Engineering resin - 3D Ripples

InstaCure Engineering Resins

InstaCure Engineering resins help you create what you want, from Tough and durable to High-temp and precise. With the full compatibility of PSM-series it unlocks endless possibilities.

InstaCure Material

InstaCure Tough

InstaCure Tough is a high impact resistant, precise, and durable resin. It is designed for applications requiring materials that could withstand high stress for short periods of time. Applications include creating sturdy, shatter-resistant parts like high performance prototypes.

InstaCure Tough

InstaCure ABS

InstaCure ABS is a high-resolution, sturdy resin. It has excellent impact strength and mechanical properties. It can produce very strong and robust models. Applications include functional prototyping, printing mechanical assemblies and various other industrial applications.

InstaCure ABS

InstaCure Clear

InstaCure Clear is a material that can be fully transparent after post-processing. It is ideal for creating clear prototype parts, showing internal cavities and details. Applications include printing eyewear frames, prototyping lens parts, and microfluidic devices.

InstaCure Clear

InstaCure HT

InstaCure HT is extremely high thermal resistant, has high mechanical strength, and with a certain toughness. It is ideal for creating high temperature parts and prototypes. Applications include dental thermoforming, industrial mock-ups, and creating 3D printed jewelry

InstaCure HT

InstaCure Rigid

InstaCure Rigid is combined with additives that make it extremely stiff and durable. It is ideal for creating rigid, dimensionally stable parts. Applications include fast industrial prototyping, creating jigs & fixtures in a short time and 3D printing electrical housings

InstaCure Rigid

InstaCure Flex

InstaCure Flex is a flexible, bendable resin that can maintain a certain level of strength, making it ideal for prints that can withstand bending and compressing repeatedly. Applications include printing flexible, durable prototypes, and wearables

InstaCure Flex

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